Category Archives: History

Detachment “A” Berlin Brigade Urban Commando Training 1980

Top Row L-R:  Fred Bremer, Wolfgang Kaiser, Ron Cornell,  John Leuthje, Jon Phipps, Thomas Bevier
Front Row L-R:  Brad Cooper, Ron Bruce, Hans White, Fred Lynch, Ed Murdock

 Inputs by Detachment “A” members Fred Bremer, John Phipps who provided the narrative and presentation of this photo to Danny Goldman, Ron Bruce with additional narrative, Ric Patrick, and James Stejskal.

This iconic photo was presented to Detachment “A” member Danny Goldman on behalf of Team 4, by John Phipps along with a personal note signed by Team 4 members.

In April of 1980, Detachment “A” Team 4, dressed in civilian clothing, boarded a commercial flight in Berlin Germany, and traveled to Fort Bragg, NC to undergo Special Operations Urban Commando Training at the Mott Lake facility located on Fort Bragg.

The photo was a spur-of-the moment thing – they had flown over commercial so they had the civvies.  Ron Cornell, pictured, and Horst Duchow (not in photo) were augmentees from the “B” team and participated in all the training.  

The dog belonged to Mike Brown, who was one of the instructors assigned to the site.

The team thought it would be humorous to dress in their “Det A fatigues” and take the photo, cigars and all.

Team 4 was the first Detachment “A” unit to go TDY for an Urban Commando course.  

The team went thru “Blue Light”, which was an anti-terrorism course, and was heavy on marksmanship. That was right before “Eagle Claw”, and the team thought they would be the primaries for that mission, but it was not to be. 

The only one of the team members who went was Brad Cooper. 

Two or 3 teams from other units were also there for 3 weeks. Much shooting ensued.  Rushing of occupied buildings.  A final test of an assault.  Records were kept of everything which could then be tabulated.

Unbeknownst to Team 4 at the time, when the scores were added at the end of the training course Team 4 was named best team.  

They enjoyed themselves, of course.  One series of odd events: the weather was absolutely fine, yet each week it would rain on Sunday night. The first morning of each Monday, they all wallowed in a muddy pit for hand-to-hand training.  Hence, they would get their set of fatigues for the week totally dyed with Carolina-red mud.  Oh, the horrors.


Danny Goldman

Another minor quirk out there:  since it somewhat removed from the Fort Bragg flagpole, the occasional oddity occurred.  On the classic army training schedule was, maybe once a day: “Debris removal & Relocation.” Only our adjutant, Danny Goldman could have topped the Mott Lake moniker for Police Call.

Team 6 went the next go-round, also won Best Team, and one-upped Team 4 in their photo, as they had a red convertible as a prop, Bonny & Clyde-style.  At least 1 more team, or more also went and came up Number 1 as well.





The Ghost Units That Really Did Exist

The Ghost Units That Really Did Exist

Detachment “A” Berlin Brigade 1956 – 1984 and the MAC-V SOG Connection.

This video represents a compilation thumbnail look at Detachment”A”  Berlin Brigade  and the connection between Detachment “A” and MAC-V SOG presented by former member of both  units, Bob Charest.

Detachment “A” was a highly classified clandestine Green Beret Special Forces unit operating during the Cold War in Berlin Germany; its mission:  urban unconventional warfare, counter terrorism, conducting the most intense clandestine operations.

This group of elite members operated in Berlin Germany from
1956 – 1984.

It features some of the early ‘original’ Detachment “A” members including Lodge Act folks, those who established and created the Detachment “A” Special Forces history and legacy.  It touches on the beginnings, missions, training, tradecraft, exercises, and more.

Also highlighted is the historical connection between Detachment “A” and the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MAC-V SOG) 1964 – 1972, another highly classified clandestine unit operating in Vietnam and beyond conducting the most dangerous clandestine, covert, and black operations.  MAC-V SOG received the Presidential Unit Citation award.

Many members of Detachment “A” also served in MAC-V SOG.

Detachment “A” and MAC-V SOG remained classified and thereby unknown for many decades.

This video is dedicated to all Detachment “A” and MAC-V  SOG members.

We Defy: The Lost Chapters of Special Forces History by Jack Murphy

Jack Murphy has a new book out entitled:

We Defy: The Lost Chapters of Special Forces History

On a clear night in 1983, a U.S. Special Forces team is issued a backpack nuclear weapon at an airfield where two men in black appear and declare that they now have operational control over the team for a real life mission. Issued live ammo, the team rigs the nuke for a parachute insertion and takes off to hit a strategic target in Cuba.

This is one of the many vignettes in We Defy which covers the “lost” and previously unpublished chapters of Special Forces history. Meet the holocaust survivor who led a Special Forces unit that included former Nazis conducting undercover assignments in Berlin, or the first woman assigned to a Special Forces team way back in 1977. Read about little known rescue missions and the history of specific capabilities developed by Special Forces from hostage rescue to nuclear sabotage.

Chapters of this lost history included in We Defy are Special Forces Detachment A, the undercover Green Beret sabotage teams in Berlin during the Cold War, Detachment K which is a Special Forces resident team stationed in South Korea playing a low key but vital role in checking North Korean aggression. Blue Light: America’s first counter-terrorism team that existed before Delta Force. The Special Forces Commanders In-extremis Force (CIF), their creation, secret missions (before and during the Global War on Terror), and where they are today. Finally, Green Light: the Special Forces nuclear sabotage teams poised to turn off entire parts of the world if the Cold War went hot.

Based on dozens of primary source interviews with the men and women who lived it, We Defy blows the doors off previously highly classified Special Forces units and missions.

Link on Amazon

Jack Murphy profile imageAbout the author

Jack Murphy is a Army Special Operations veteran who served as a Sniper and Team Leader in 3rd Ranger Battalion and as a Senior Weapons Sergeant on a Military Free Fall team in 5th Special Forces Group.

Murphy is the New York Times Bestselling author of REFLEXIVE FIRE, TARGET DECK, and DIRECT ACTION. He also co-authored the non-fiction work, BENGHAZI: THE DEFINITIVE REPORT which exploded the true story behind what really happened when the US consulate in Libya came under attack.

Having left the military in 2010 after serving three combat deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, he graduated with a BA in political science from Columbia University. He has penned numerous non-fiction articles about Weapons, Tactics, Special Operations, Terrorism, and Counter-Terrorism. He has appeared in documentaries, on national television, and on syndicated radio.

Peter Kelley Guest Speaker Detachment “A” Berlin

Peter Kelley was the guest speaker at the Detachment “A” Berlin Get Together 12 – 15 September 2024.

This video presents former Detachment “A” Berlin member Peter Kelley who served in Detachment “A” from 1975 to 1979; an incredibly significant and consequential period in Detachment “A” Berlin’s History/Legacy 1956-1984.

Peter served as a Team Leader and later S3, primarily under COL Stan Olchovik’s Command and with his good fellow Native German friend, CSM Jeff Raker.

Peter takes us through his experiences growing up in Germany, his passage to America, his entry into US Army Special forces and his career to include Detachment “A” for which he states: “I was born for that job.”

Peter commanded the first composite team which trained with Colonel Ulrich Wegener’s German GSG 9 Counter-Terrorist Unit & with Berlin SEK. He also served as Commander of the Winter Warfare Training in Berchtesgaden two consecutive winters.

Thumbnail Look at Detachment “A” 39th Special Forces Berlin 1956-1984 with MAC-V SOG Connection

Detachment “A” 39th Special Forces Berlin 1956 – 1984 and the MAC-V SOG Connection

This video presents a Thumbnail look at Detachment “A” from former member Bob Charest.

Detachment “A” was a highly classified clandestine Green Beret Special Forces unit operating during the Cold War in Berlin Germany; its mission:  urban unconventional warfare, counter terrorism, conducting the most intense clandestine operations.  This group of elite members operated in Berlin Germany from 1956-1984.

It features some of the early ‘original’ Detachment “A” members including Lodge Act folks, those who established and created the Detachment “A” Special Forces legacy.  It touches on missions, training, tradecraft, exercises, and updated member interviews.

Also highlighted is the historical connection between Detachment “A” and the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MAC-V SOG) 1964-1972, another highly classified clandestine unit operating in Vietnam and beyond conducting the most dangerous clandestine, covert, and black operations.  MAC-V SOG received the Presidential Unit Citation award.

Many members of Detachment “A” also served in MAC-V SOG.

Detachment “A” and MAC-V SOG remained classified and thereby unknown for many decades.

This video represents Bob’s personal insight of Detachment “A” and the MAC-V SOG connection based on his eight years in Detachment “A” 1969-1972, and 1973-1978, and his time in B-56 Project Sigma, SOG Vietnam 1967-1968.

This is boots on the ground information.

This video is dedicated to all Detachment “A” and SOG members.

Roxanne Merritt Inducted as HMOR

Folks, our own low-profile Detachment “A” Berlin family member Roxanne Merritt, recently received a prestigious and much deserved award.  She has been inducted as an Honorary Member of the following three regiments:

Special Forces

Civil Affairs

Psychological Operations

This high honor bestowed on Roxanne recognizes her lifetime work and achievements.

A ceremony was held April 26, 2024, at Fort Liberty.

Roxanne has worked at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center since 1981 currently serving as the Director of the JFK Special Warfare Museum.

When Detachment “A” Berlin came in from the cold, she collected numerous artifacts contributed by Detachment “A” Berlin members, cataloged them, and created a small but significant display in the JFK Special Warfare Museum.

Roxanne continues today keeping Detachment “A” Berlin in the Special Forces History. 

Roxanne will be a guest speaker at our upcoming Detachment “A” Berlin function 12-15 September 2024 in Greenville, SC.

Roxanne Merritt HMOR

by Bob Charest – The man who brought Detachment “A” Berlin in from the cold.

Detachment(A) Jeff Raker Honor

CSM Jeffrey H. Raker Heritage Room

What: The 6th Battalion/2nd SWTG is creating a heritage room dedicated to those who served in Berlin which will be named after our own former Detachment(A) CSM Jeff Raker tentatively to be named:

The 6th Battalion “CSM Jeffery H. Raker” Heritage Room

When: The preliminary schedule for the dedication of the “CSM Jeff Raker Heritage Room” is set for May 22, 2024 which is a Wednesday on Fort Liberty/Bragg.

The Heritage Room to be named after Detachment(A) member Jeff Raker; is a well-deserved honor to one of the most respected Sergeant Majors to have ever existed in Special Forces.

For those of us serving in Detachment(A) in the late-70s, we remember well the dark time in Detachment(A) when the Deputy Brigade Commander relieved our commander in front of our morning formation inside of the Detachment(A) building.  He then proceeded to order us to wear uniforms, get haircuts, and placed a big Detachment(A) airborne sign outside of building.  He replaced the CO and XO with individuals that had no Special Forces experience, but novice airborne qualified who were available within the Berlin Brigade. 

During this dark period in Detachment(A) history we lost all our Safe Houses and everything we all did to achieve our mission.  Instead, we became the training cadre for the 6th Infantry – EIB training, Scout Swimming etc.  Detachment(A) had no real Seargeant Major to fight for us at the time.

Then along came SGM Jef Raker.  Bottom line:  he immediately assessed the situation, saw the problems, and took over working with the Berlin Command SGM himself and Terry Swafford, gave briefings to the new Berlin Brigade Commander, and overnight we were back in civilian clothes doing our real mission.  He restored our unit.

After this ordeal, SGM Jeff Raker’s efforts made Detachment(A) history up to Eagle Claw along with Colonel Stanley Olchovik.

The 6th Battalion/2nd SWTG have requested attendance by former unit members (i.e. those who served in Berlin) in order to break the site in correctly.

Profile: Detachment “A” Member John Silk

Written by: Carl Gregory, Veteran United States Army

𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞, I’ve been fortunate to have five great friends who profoundly influenced who I am today. As we approach Veterans Day weekend, I want to pay special tribute to one of them, my warrior friend 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝗣𝗮𝘂𝗹 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐤!


His name embodies valor and dedication, epitomizing the resilience and bravery of those who have served in the United States military’s most challenging and covert units. Born in 1942 in Arlington, Massachusetts, Silk’s remarkable journey started with his ROTC days at Pennsylvania Military College and unfolded into a distinguished military career that spanned more than two decades.

His time in Vietnam as a Special Forces RECON 1-1 and 1-0, particularly the twenty-five highly classified, deniable, cross-border missions into Cambodia with MACVSOG (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group) Project SIGMA, marked a significant chapter in his life. MACVSOG was a highly classified, multi-service United States special operations unit that conducted covert unconventional warfare operations before and during the Vietnam War. Established in 1964, it carried out cross-border operations in Laos and Cambodia, along with maritime operations against North Vietnam. The personnel serving in MACVSOG, like Silk, were engaged in highly dangerous and secretive missions, involving deep reconnaissance, direct action, sabotage, and gathering intelligence behind enemy lines. 

In the face of overwhelming odds, with an extraordinary casualty rate exceeding one hundred percent, where over half of its members were either killed or went missing in action, MACV-SOG (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group) demonstrated exceptional courage and commitment. Remarkably, every member of this unit had volunteered, bearing the scars of battle and sustaining injuries, sometimes multiple times, throughout their service. Their sacrifice and bravery are a testament to their unwavering dedication to their mission and country. In recognition of these remarkable sacrifices and their steadfast dedication to duty, MACV-SOG and the individual members were deservedly honored with the Presidential Unit Citation (equivalent to the Distinguished Service Cross individually) at a ceremony held at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, on April 4, 2001.

Following his valorous service in Vietnam, Silk continued to exemplify the exceptional skills and bravery synonymous with the Special Forces, during his tenure with Detachment A in Berlin, Germany. Detachment A was a covert unit of 90 Special Forces soldiers, known for their involvement in some of the most classified and sensitive missions of the Cold War. The unit, which existed from 1956 to 1984, specialized in unconventional warfare, sabotage, intelligence, guerrilla operations, anti-terrorism, sniper, and SWAT operations, often working closely with the Central Intelligence Agency and other U.S. intelligence agencies. Silk’s role in such a unit underscores his extraordinary capabilities and the trust placed in him for missions of critical importance.

His military accolades, reflecting his exceptional service, include the Distinguished Presidential Unit Citation, Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal, Air Medal, and numerous others. These honors not only signify his bravery and skill but also his dedication to his country and fellow soldiers.  Sergeant Major Silk also holds a reserve commission as an Army Captain.

Silk’s life post-military has been equally remarkable, serving in law enforcement and as a skilled gunsmith, carrying the same spirit of service and expertise into his civilian life.

In addition to his extraordinary military and post-military career, John P. Silk’s impact extends into the realm of personal relationships and mentorship, illustrating the depth of his character and his commitment to nurturing the potential in others.

Our friendship, spanning over four decades, has been a testament to his unwavering loyalty and steadfastness. Silk, embodying the true spirit of a Green Beret, has always been more than a friend; he has been a mentor and a guide. His impact is profoundly evident in his influence on my daughter, Destiny Dawn Gregory. As she embarked on her journey to excel in the Vernon High School Army JROTC and her aspiration to join a US Military Service Academy, Silk has been an instrumental figure, sharing his wisdom, experience, and encouragement.

Just as he trained and guided our allies with skill and dedication during his time as a Green Beret, Silk applied the same level of commitment to mentoring me when I served under him in the 101st Airborne Division and for the past two years in the twilight of his life mentoring my daughter Destiny Dawn Gregory. He has truly been an inspiration and a guiding light, among several, behind her success, quietly working behind the scenes, and instilling in her the values of discipline, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence. His mentorship has been an important factor in shaping her into a young leader to become the Battalion Commander of her high school Army JROTC battalion in the incredibly short period of just 1 1/2 years, ready to face challenges with the same bravery and determination he has shown throughout his life as she reached for the stars for the last two year to obtain a congressional nomination and to be accepted into one of our nations prestigious military academies. 

Destiny made a deliberate and thoughtful decision to not include SGM Silk’s academy recommendation letter in her applications. He is currently too unwell to navigate the complex submission process. However, the wisdom and guidance she received from him transcend the value of a written endorsement. The lessons imparted by SGM Silk are more than mere words on paper; they are lifelong treasures that will serve her well throughout her life.  See the letter in the photos.

This aspect of Silk’s life – his role as a mentor and friend – is as commendable as his decorated military career. It reflects his belief in the power of passing on knowledge and fostering growth in the next generation, ensuring that the legacy of commitment and service continues.

This tribute to SGM John P. Silk is more than just a recounting of his service; it’s a celebration of the spirit of a warrior who represents the best of American values – courage, commitment, and unwavering dedication to duty. His legacy is not just in the medals and commendations but in the lives he touched, the missions he accomplished, and the indomitable spirit he embodies.

List of Awards

Presidential Unit Citation (Individual Award Equivalent to the Army Distinguished Service Cross)
Silver Star
Bronze Star
Purple Heart
Meritorious Service Medal (1st OLC)
Air Medal
Army Commendation Medal (1st OLC)
Good Conduct Medal (8th Award)
Army Occupation Medal (Berlin)
National Defense Service Ribbon
Vietnam Service Ribbon (6 Campaign Stars)
Humanitarian Service Medal
NCO Professional Development Ribbon (Numeral 5)
Army Service Ribbon
Overseas Service Ribbon (Thailand)
Vietnam Campaign Ribbon (With Year Device)
Combat infantryman Badge
Master Parachutist Badge
Military Freefall Parachutist Badge (HAL0)
Scuba Divers Badge
Special Operations Divers Badge
Air Assault Badge
Expert Marksmanship Badge (M-1) (M-14) (M-16) (45 Ato)
Thai Parachute Badge/with Fourragere
Vietnamese Parachute Badge
German Parachute Badge
Special Forces Tab
Overseas Service Bars (4)
Service Stripes (24 years service)
Meritorious Unit Commendation
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation
Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation

Chronological List of Assignments

Cadet, United States Army ROTC, Pennsylvania Military
College, Chester Pennsylvania
MAR-APR 1962
Basic Combat Training, Fort Dix, New Jersey
Advanced Individual Training, Fort Gordon, Georgia
JULY- AUG 1962
Jump School, Fort Benning, Georgia
Rifleman, Bravo Company, 327th Infantry Battle Group. 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Kentucky
Student, Special Forces Training Group, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Light Weapons Leader, 5th Special Forces Group, Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Heavy Weapons Leader, Detachment B-31, Phoug Vinh, Vietnam
Light Weapons Leader, 46th Special Forces Company Thailand
RECON Team Leader, B-56 Project SIGMA, Vietnam
Team Sergeant, HALO Detachment, 10th Special Forces Group, Fort Devens, Massachusetts
Heavy Weapons Leader, Detachment A, Berlin Brigade, Germany
Operations Sergeant, Scuba Detachment, Company C, 2nd Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group, 1st Special Forces, Fort Devens, Massachusetts
First Sergeant, Headquarters Company, United States Army Garrison, Fort Devens, Massachusetts
Chief Enlisted Advisor, United States Army Readiness Mobilization Region Nine, Presidio of San Francisco, CA
First Sergeant, Headquarters and Headquarters Company 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Kentucky
Chief Instructor, Headquarters. 1st United States Army ROTC Region, Fort Bragg. North Carolina
Administration Sergeant Major, Headquarters Company. United States Army Garrison, Fort McPherson, Georgia
February 28, 1986
Retired from active duty

Silver Star Award

APO San Francisco
1. T0 320.
The following AWARD is announced.
United States
RA1 1403904
Detachment B-56, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces, APO 96240
Awarded: Silver Star
Date action: 9 July 1968
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
For gallantry in action while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam: Staff Sergeant Silk distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 9 July 1968 as an assistant patrol leader on a reconnaissance patrol. Moving through dense jungle, the patrol encountered a well-camouflaged and fortified enemy base camp. Entering the camp, they came under a fusillade of automatic weapons fire from an enemy force of unknown size, killing two allied soldiers and wounding two more. Disregarding his safety, Sergeant Silk exposed himself to the withering hail of automatic weapons fire to crawl fifty meters to administer first aid to the seriously injured soldiers. After moving the wounded to a covered position, he organized the remnants of his lead element and established a base of fire which enabled the remainder of the patrol to withdraw. Sergeant Silk then remained in an exposed position to direct artillery and helicopter gunship fire on enemy targets, His actions allowed the patrol to reorganize and assault the enemy emplacements. Encountering heavy resistance, the patrol withdrew to a secured landing zone. Again braving intense enemy fire, Sergeant Silk and three allied soldiers covered the withdrawal, thereby enabling the patrol to be safely extracted. Staff Sergeant Silk's gallantry in action was in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.

Editor’s Note by Bob Charest

I first met John (Slick) Silk in 1967 in Vietnam, B-56 Project Sigma, where we both served from 1967-1968.

We then both served together on the same team, Team 1, in Detachment “A” Berlin Germany in 1973 – 1976. Later, we again met at Fort Devens, MA in 1978 -1981 where we both eventually retired. We both remain close friends and keep in touch today.

The following photo was taken by John Silk.

Back Row L-R:  Kevin Monahan, Bob Charest, Richard Lahue,
Ralph Ormes, Willy Headon, Ron Bruce

Front Row L-R:  John Silk, Ernie Kirk, Frank Midell,
Lee Dickerson, Paul Piusz, Spanky Airhart


Robert P. Olson Original Member of Detachment “A”

Robert P. Olson Original Member of Detachment “A”

Written by:  Bob Charest as told by Bob Olson

Robert P. Olson served in Detachment “A” Berlin from April 1958 to September 1959.  Bob Olson is one of the “Original” members.  This is a narrative and some of Bob’s recollections of his time serving in Detachment “A”.


After attending Brown for two years, Bob decided to join Special Forces.  He spent a year and a half in basic and Special Forces training where he acquired a myriad of skills including demolitions and parachuting.  From there he went to Bad Töltz Germany.  Bob had spent approximately three days at Bad Töltz and was sent off to Berlin – to this day Bob says, “I don’t know why.”

Bob arrived at Detachment “A” (DET-A) in the spring of 1958.  It was not DET-A then, it was The Security Platoon, DET-A became their name later that year.

Things were vastly different back then.  Dwight D. Eisenhower was President, and Nikita S. Khrushchev was Premier of the Soviet Union.  The Third World War and the threat of nuclear war was something everyone talked about and took very seriously.

School kids were trained to hide under their desks or “duck and cover“ which was a Federal Civil Defense Initiative instructing children how to react during a nuclear attack.

Berlin was broken into four quarters, the US, the French, the English and East Berlin.  Khrushchev had announced that since the allies were way behind the Iron Curtain, that they should get out promptly or be thrown out.At that time, the odds were heavily stacked against the US.  The US had about 30 tanks in Berlin and the Russians had about 3,000.

With Berlin city divided into four sections – American, British, French, and Soviet, the Brits had sent a Commando Unit, the French Foreign Legion Paratroopers and then there was the US equivalent – DETA comprised of approximately 53 or 54 Special Forces Green Berets.  There were approximately four “A” teams (later two more teams were added).  All were paratroopers.  Each team was assigned to a sector.  Bob was assigned to the French sector.

Detachment “A” was set up specifically to delay a Russian attack across Western Europe that may have sparked the Third World War.

The unit was established contrary to the Potsdam Agreement which divided Berlin after WWII as were the other units.

In the event of World War III, and with overwhelming numbers of Soviet forces expected to surge into Western Berlin, DET-A’s main mission was to conduct sabotage operations against strategic infrastructure such as railroad lines, and other vital targets, by blending into the city, creating havoc behind enemy lines, assisting and/or leading guerilla fighters behind enemy lines, and at all costs buy the allies as much time as possible to allow them to raise a counter-offensive.

For example, blowing up the railroad lines surrounding Berlin so the Russians would have difficulty moving troops and equipment toward Western Europe.  Russian troops would have to be supplied through the rail network that ran through Berlin.  DET-A would have to blow up that entire network and then run for a submarine that they were assured was waiting for them.  The submarine was six to seven hundred miles away in the Baltic Sea.  There were no formalized escape plans, you were basically on your own to make it to the pickup point.

There was little chance that anyone associated with DET-A would have survived such an attack, for most, it would become a ‘suicide mission’. The secondary mission was to train other troops, i.e., Brits etc. in Escape & Evade – if a war began.  Its everyday mission included: training allied troops, reconnaissance, and where possible, driving the Russians to distraction.

The demographics of this group were unique.  Of the fifty plus of DET-A probably half were foreign born.  Many of them were recruited under the Lodge Act of 1950.


The group consisted of American WWII veterans who had had stormed Normandy Beaches and fought across Europe, many who fought in Korea, ex Nazi soldiers (who fought against them) ex-French Foreign Legion paratroopers who had survived Diene Bien Fieu by lying underwater in a swamp breathing through reeds, at least one Gypsy and at least one middle class kid from Westchester.

Until they were needed to activate and carry out their main mission, they trained and did other various activities.  For example, they would build “topos” – Topographical maps – of these areas on ping pong tables and visit them occasionally.  They would attend classes including German language, Morse Code, and demolitions.



Training was varied, everybody taught something.  For Bob it was math – mathematical formulas to be applied to demolitions applications.  Bob recalls SF history of which he remembers only that the concept for an SF team was born in the Balkans during WW2, when a guerilla leader named “King Kong” needed weapons, radios and people who could operate them, doctors to help with basic things (like birthing babies) and demolitionist or like Bob who in addition to teaching math taught about how to blow bridges although they wouldn’t let him try.


They jumped into Bad Tölz about every three months and spent anywhere from one to four weeks training.

Their winter exercise was rigorous and involved ‘extreme’ skiing in the Alps and other ongoing Special Forces-related training.


One problem in Berlin was that there was no way of knowing who anyone was.  There was a bar called The Boyar thought to be Russian on the KuDamn, with fabulous vodka, Champaign, music and caviar.  Bob remembers standing at the bar one night talking to an extremely well-dressed man who was obviously Russian (he may have swept out the embassy or been the head of the KGB, for all Bob knew).  They drank a lot and swore brotherhood, forever.  Then Bob pointed out that tomorrow we might be blowing each other’s heads off.  He said,” yes, but that will be tomorrow – have another Vodka.”

Another time Bob was having trouble sleeping on the train, so he stepped out to see the sun rise.  There was a guard, he was probably in East German uniform, but Bob remembers him clearly as Russian some 60 years later.  He took out a Camel and then in a rare moment of soldierly brotherhood said –“ Papirosa” he said, “maybe a Lucky Strike”.  They had used up their mutual language capability, so they smoked in silence.  Bob warns “If  anyone ever offers you a Papirosa, don’t take it – international peace is not worth it”.

One image that brings back Berlin the most for Bob is the Tower and wire.  Back then there was no wall, rather a maze of fences, barbed wire, and towers.  Bob spent more nights than he wanted to sleeping under one of those towers – nobody got shot, at least not them.

Many of the women Bob knew or interacted with was in somebody’s pay, most were probably being paid by both sides.  Bob noted the promise of sexual paradise with Black Headed Criss on a night she knew they were parachuting into the mountains.

A friend once showed Bob a menu from Christmas dinner for their barracks (which they shared with an administrative group) they ate there.  It had the names of all the people who attended.  Then, they attended but their names were not on the menu, apparently, they did not exist.

Bob recalls having Crepe Suzettes for breakfast and introduced a friend of his to snails; The best food in town was at the French Foreign Legion Officers Club.  Someone asked Bob if he had ever jumped out of an airplane.  He told them about 30 or 40 times – they were very impressed because they only counted combat jumps.

Some of Bob’s fellow team members were involved with a highly sensitive operation which involved ‘The Wolf’ the head of the East German Intelligence.  Though it did not come to fruition, it was a very intense time and one example of the dangers of their mission, and what they were up against.

Bob recalls some of his Detachment “A” members that he served with in those early years.  The dates in parenthesis represent the time served in DET-A.

Leonard R. “Pappy” Barnett – (1958-1960).”with an 8th grade education taught me everything worth knowing about life.”

Harry E. Brown (1956-1961) – Bob spoke with Harry many years later when he was a lawyer in California. ” A really good guy”.  Bob recalls attending Harry’s Morse Code class during his time in DET-A which proved to be a challenge, and “Harry was insistent that I learn.”  Harry was also a ski instructor, and combat helicopter pilot.

Kenney Crabtree (1958-1960).  Ken left a little ahead of Bob to get a job on some railroad – Bob predicted he would last 3 months (he lasted 2).  He was an E5 at the time, made Lieutenant Colonel and was killed on 15 April 1984 along with an American embassy official, by a terrorist bomb in Southwest Africa.

Dunlap, Henry – “Big Dunlap, who was I remember was formerly a Florida state policeman.”

Laurice Dunlap (1956-1960, 1962-1965) –“ Lil Dunlap, as opposed to big Dunlap, whom I last saw at the 1999 conference.  I remember little Dan lab explaining to me that it is possible to sharpen a knife on a piece of cardboard.”

Gerhard E. Frick (1958-1960) – “Only outspoken Nazi among us”.

Roland Goodman (1958-1960) – It is believed he went on to the CIA.

Roland R. Graves (1958)

Michael E. Ladue – Served in Detachment “A” during the time of the Cold War.  Later, Mike was deployed with Air America Airlines in Southeast Asia, the U.S. Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency, all in this same area.

Maj Roman Piernick was their commander – (1958-1961).  Bob only remembers that he announced in front of the German cooks that they would have new native clothes, and then raised hell when it was discovered that the Russians found out about it.  “Enough said.”  He also decided Bob was promising so he promoted him to Sergeant.  Someone discovered that his MOS of 51613 meant that he had to be a Specialist, she he wore Sergeant stripes for a couple of months.

Max Randleman – Team Sergeant (1956-1959) –  Bob states that “Max Randleman was probably the best soldier I ever met, and I had a lot to choose from.  Kind, intelligent and brave.  Max won the  soldiers medal while we were in Berlin for pulling somebody out of a burning building.  He was from WWII, a MSG and the leader of Team 1 – Bob having served on Team 4.  Max was highly decorated and added the soldier’s medal to his collection while Bob was there.  Mike Ladue just missed one.”

Thaddeus R. Pluta (1958-1960) – “On one jump Pigpen Pluto’s chute roman candled and Mike caught him – they talked briefly,  Pigpen opened his reserve and Mike let him go, thereby missing a Soldiers Medal. Pigpen was our radio operator.  Pigpen was undamaged.”

Daniel E. Sandy (1959) Team Sergeant.

Wilbur R. Stanbridge Team Leader (1958-1960) – “was our team leader he was a fine man.”

Robert R. Smith (1958-1960) “Railroad Smith”.

Johnnie L. Smith (1958-1960)

Donald E Thompson (1958-1960 ) “Lonesome Tom”.

“The men who served in Detachment “A” got no special recognition or compensation.  Someone (who was a Classist said that we were the Spartans at the Bridge, all we could do was hold things up a little) but the Athenians stayed home with their wives.”

Bob and the other ‘Original’ members of Detachment “A” capture the very essence of the Special Forces legacy and character; those members who knew absolutely what could happen and served despite the most certain deadly consequences should they be activated.

Bob served as a ‘quiet professional’ and for over 60 years was unable to speak about his service in Detachment ‘A”.  He is one of the ‘Originals’ and , one of the select few who served in this highly historical unit – Detachment “A”.

Here is a link to an article about Bob published by his local newspaper.