Detachment “A” Berlin Brigade 2024 Get Together Greenville SC

Bob Charest Host/POC
Bob Charest started the meeting with an overview of the topics: notifications and announcements, introductions, JFK museum update by Roxanne Merritt and special guest speaker Detachment “A” member Pete Kelley.
Our next Detachment “A” Berlin function will be held from 11-14 September 2025 same location same hotel, spread the word.
More details to follow as they become available.
The hotel was very accommodating and very nice and new, and we had a roomy conference room for our meetings and activities. The meeting room was equipped with ample seating, refrigerators and microwaves and a projection screen.

Detachment “A” member Reverand John Lee gave the invocation.
Original Detachment “A” Berlin member Jim Wilde (1957) and his wife Rosie were in attendance.

Two widows of Detachment “A” Berlin members attended:

Annemarie Dover widow of Jesse Dover.

Marie von Hass,
widow of Bruno von Haas and daughter Magdalina.

Guest Speaker Pete Kelley
Pete Kelley Team 6, serving as Team Leader and S3, 1975 -1979, gave an outstanding and substantial speech covering the historical period in his career leading up to and culminating with his time in Detachment “A”, a role he was “born for”. His extensive and very personal recollections will be presented on the Detachment “A” website and the DET-A Berlin YouTube channel at a later date.

Roxanne Merrit Director of the JFK museum/curator presented a detailed SF Museum update. She thanked Det-A members for their support, went through the JFK closing attempt, the new facility located across from the JFK chapel and the Detachment “A” display including a Berlin wall artifact.
Kevin Monahan produced and donated 150 Detachment “A” Berlin decals for the members; they disappeared overnight. This generous contribution is much appreciated.

This generous contribution of the Detachment “A” decals is much appreciated.
Bob Charest’s personal “Thumbnail Look at Detachment “A” Berlin film was shown which is dedicated to all Detachment “A” Berlin members. This film will be shown on the October SF Cruise. Video Link

Discovered that Lee and Jeannie Fondas could not go on the October SF Cruise. Rather than seeking a refund, they donated this luxury dream vacation complete with an executive suite package to an SF Gold Medal family.
Lee was also presented with a card and cake celebrating his birthday.
Bob and Linda Charest also unable to attend the cruise donated their deposit back to the cruise.
Phil Hanson, President of Chapter 17, the Jerry “Robin” Sage Chapter attended.

Yuri Estam who received city training from Detachment “A” attended and brought along old city training maps with him.

Beautiful long-stem RED roses were presented to all the women attendees by some anonymous person(s), but we have our suspects. Thank you!

Our next Detachment “A” Berlin function will be held from 11-14 September 2025 same location same hotel, spread the word.