All posts by DetASnake


A good part of “Detachment A” in Berlin was initially composed of Lodge Act soldiers who passed on their invaluable, myriad European skills, culture and languages needed to accomplish the mission.

This article was written by  Matt Fratus  on April 09, 2019 of Coffee or Die Magazine.

On this date 32 years ago, the U.S. Army Special Forces — commonly referred to as “Green Berets” — were officially established as a basic branch of the U.S. Army. But their history began much earlier.

From the days when the 10th Special Forces Group was commanded by “the father of Army Special Forces” Colonel Aaron Bank and numbers barely ticked double digits to Green Berets today serving in 149 countries across the globe — the battlefields may change, but the principles remain the same.

One of the pillars of Army Special Forces (SF) is their language and cultural capabilities.  Continue reading

Hermann Adler – DMOR Ceremony

On 22 October 2014, Major(Ret) Hermann Adler was inducted into the Distinguished Member of the Special Forces Regiment at a small private ceremony held at his home.  LTG Charles T. Cleveland, former Commanding General, US Army Special Operations and his staff performed the ceremony with LTG Cleveland performing the induction.

Detachment “A” and the Royal Engineers Diving Unit

Major Retired Leslie “Les” Rutherford was a Warrant Officer ( later Officer Commanding) the Royal Engineers Diving Unit in Kiel Germany.

Les remembered well a visit by the guys from Det “A”  Berlin to his unit at Kiel in the 80’s.  They cross trained on each other’s Kit, worked and played hard.

The Royal Engineers  worked on diving and U/W demolition training  with Detachment”A”  at Kiel in the 80’s .  Detachment”A” members  then went on to train with the German Navy ‘ Kampfschwimmer’  at Eckenförde.

The Royal Engineers Diving Unit  were presented a plaque from Detachment”A” with a photo of the team which his old Boss Captain Tom Flower preserved.

This is Major Rutherford with Detachment”A”‘  a Dräger one-man decompression portable chamber.

Team 3