Folks, our own low-profile Detachment “A” Berlin family member Roxanne Merritt, recently received a prestigious and much deserved award. She has been inducted as an Honorary Member of the following three regiments:
Special Forces
Civil Affairs
Psychological Operations
This high honor bestowed on Roxanne recognizes her lifetime work and achievements.
A ceremony was held April 26, 2024, at Fort Liberty.
Roxanne has worked at the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center since 1981 currently serving as the Director of the JFK Special Warfare Museum.
When Detachment “A” Berlin came in from the cold, she collected numerous artifacts contributed by Detachment “A” Berlin members, cataloged them, and created a small but significant display in the JFK Special Warfare Museum.
Roxanne continues today keeping Detachment “A” Berlin in the Special Forces History.
Roxanne will be a guest speaker at our upcoming Detachment “A” Berlin function 12-15 September 2024 in Greenville, SC.

by Bob Charest – The man who brought Detachment “A” Berlin in from the cold.