2016 Detachment”A” Function – Jeff Raker Honored Guest Speaker


Bob Charest hosted another extremely successful Detachment(A)  function.  It was highly attended and everyone thoroughly enjoyed time with our DET-A family.

Gil Turcotte arrived on Tuesday and was the advance party on the scene.  He got all the supplies for our meals.  He got all the signatures for Joel Schenkelberger’ sympathy card.

Gil Turcotte also bought a card and had Detachment-A members sign it to recognize and show appreciation to  Bob Charest for all his efforts and work on behalf of Detachment-A, including the planning, setting up, selecting great guest speakers, hosting, and conducting and our Det-A functions which brings fellow Detachment-A members together and all the other projects Bob led to bring Detachment-A in from the cold.  Gil  had members at this function sign it.  Jeff Raker presented the card to Bob recognizing Bob’s individual efforts for putting Detachment-A on the map and for keeping Detachment-A alive.

Gil purchased a sign in book and got the signatures of all members who attended our function.

We had quite a few folks show up on Wednesday including the  point man, Sid Williams.

The two decals that were passed out to you all were each created and donated by Henry Bertrand  and Jon Lee.

Thursday’s highlight was Jack Tobin’s SFA CH-6 ham, briskets, and barbecue.  He cooked and served a great meal. He also had lots of sauces.  Bob Charest brought German potato salad, rolls, mustard, and some deserts.

Friday’s session began when Jeff Raker showed up ready for Chicken Friday.   He presented the original Chicken Friday symbolic plaque he received in 1980.

Bob Charest then got Friday’s session agenda going by introducing our  two highly accomplished guest speakers, Warner “Rocky” Farr and Larry Niedringhaus.  He also talked about 2017’s DET-A Function.

Warner “Rocky” Farr spoke about his long and distinguished career spanning 46 years, very impressive and accomplished.

Larry Niedringhaus spoke about his days as an enlisted member of Special Forces before he became an officer rising to the rank of full colonel.

Mike Mulieri brought the keg of German  beer this year for all to enjoy.

The brats meal by John Phipps and Brad Cooper was outstanding.

There were many other contributions, Ron Braughton with his beer contribution, Dennis Hobbie’s wife made 4 huge gourmet cakes, and Lin Niedringhaus brought her homemade cookies.  I can go on and on.  It was great team work.

Jeff Raker showed up on the scene and spent quite a bit of time with fellow Det-A members.   His son Jeff made a surprise appearance on Friday and stayed  the rest of the weekend.  He came equipped to make Chicken Friday, Chicken Friday by bringing the original Det-A chicken.

Saturday’s session started off with Bob Charest introducing   two  great guest speakers:  MG Jim Guest and Jeff Raker.   He also introduced Vinnie Feudo who provided an inspirational speech to start the meeting.  Jim spoke about Special Forces historically and future.

Our honored guest speaker, Jeff Raker was the main man.   He looked frail, but folks not in his mind nor stature.  He stood and spoke for over 45 minutes with no notes and was incredibly focused.  He is an amazing man.  His lovely wife Minako walked up to him as he was finishing up his speech and spoke to the members about Jeff, like only a devoted and loving wife is able.

Next year’s event will be in honor of him.

Jack Murphy interviewed quite a lot of folks for our 10,000 word Detachment(A) exclusive article.